In the light of Jesus, we learn to shine
9:00 am - 10:00 am
10:30 am - 11:30 am
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ Elmsett Methodist Hall
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
3:20 pm - 5:00 pm @ School Hall
£5 per child includes Chocolate Egg
Welcome to our wonderful school. We are very proud of our pupil's achievements and how we are improving and progressing as a school.
Over the coming year we will all be working to ensure the high standards already set in place continue to be met and that our pupils are deeply involved in enjoying their education and making excellent progress.
We will be working to develop independence along with resilience and a growth mind-set for all our pupils in order to prepare them the new and changing requirements of their future education and careers.
We have created an exciting curriculum to ensure that the education our pupils receive is of a consistently high quality, that learning is fun and engaging and that Elmsett school is recognised as a progressive, caring and inclusive school for everyone. We are a small school but we have big ambitions and are proud of our achievements.
Being a rural school that serves both the local community and surrounding villages, we draw upon our beautiful environment and try to utilise all the resources available to extend and enrich learning. All pupils attend our forest school and we have a school allotment frequented by the children to learn how to grow, nurture and harvest vegetables. Buckle's Wood is on our doorstep for outdoor learning and creating wonderful things such as bird boxes and minibeast hotels.
We are proud to be an Eco-School and the pupils are actively involved in recycling and other activities both independently and through their own Eco-Council to create a sustainable environment. Our Green Flag flies proudly at the front of our school.
Elmsett school is a Church of England school with Christian values where the moral and spiritual development of each person is very important. The school has developed Christian values within its school community by enabling pupils to experience worship in church within the Anglican tradition, Methodist tradition and by fostering close and regular links with local clergy and diocese.
We aim to provide a caring, family atmosphere where pupils (age 4 to 11) can learn to grow and work independently with confidence, interest, enthusiasm and self-discipline, whilst maintaining an awareness of and respect for others. We welcome parents into school to help with reading and cooking or to share experiences that may be valuable to the children. Please contact the office, or speak to a class teacher if you would like to be involved.
Please take a look around the website where you will see more of what Elmsett School has to offer.
Leigh Hilton, Headteacher
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and
31 August 2021 they are eligible to start school in September 2025.
Reception pupil applications for September 2025 open in October 2024 and you must make your application directly to Admissions at Suffolk County Council via
Please see our Admissions Policy 2025-2026
Please see our current Admissions Policy 2024-2025 for more information about applying for a place at Elmsett School.
Please complete our Admissions Form ADM1 for non Reception Children effective from September 2024.
We have spaces in some of our year groups. Please contact the school office for further details or to book a visit to look around our wonderful school.
Telephone 01473 658303
Elmsett C of E Primary School Vision and Values
In the light of Jesus, we learn to shine.
The light of Jesus inspires us to use our gifts with integrity so that we can shine and flourish together, living ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). We encourage, nurture and respect each other as we grow in our learning and our living.
Jesus reminds us in Matthew’s gospel that we are lights for the world. As we seek to follow him, we can share his light with others and change the world!
“You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds.”
Matthew 5:16
At Elmsett C of E Primary School we believe that:
If you have any concerns and feel you need to seek advice or report a safeguarding matter out of school hours, please contact Customer First on 0808 800 4005.
We process personal information relating to our pupils and may receive information about them from their previous school, local authority and the Department for Education (DfE).
We hold this personal data to:
* support our pupils' learning
* monitor and report on their progress
* provide appropriate pastoral care; and
* assess the quality of our services
Information about our pupils that we hold will include their contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, any exclusion information, where they go after they leave us and personal characteristics such as their ethnic group, any special educational needs they may have as well as relevant medical information.
We will not give information about you to anyone without your consent unless the law and our policies allow us to.
We are required, by law, to pass some information about you to the Department for Education (DfE). This information will, in turn, then be made available for the use by the LA.
If you need more information about how our local authority and/or DfE collect and use your information, please visit: * our local authority at or * the DfE website at
If you would like to receive a copy of the information about you that we hold, please contact: 01473 658303
Elmsett C of E Primary School is part of the
St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan
Multi Academy Trust
Please find a link to their website HERE
where you will find details of the DMAT structure and other useful information.
Our DMAT CEO is Tracey Caffull
The board of MAT directors is chaired by Andrew Blit
We are extremely pleased with and proud of the amazing result of our recent OFSTED inspection. This was a community effort and I would like to thank the pupils, staff, parents and carers for their support and contributions to the GOOD in all 5 categories which we received. The report speaks for itself and out motto 'Elmsett, we do more' certainly rings true.
Please see our full report here
If your child is due to start School in September 2025 or you are looking for an alternative school please contact the School Office on or phone 01473 658303.
Visits can be arranged by prior appointment.
Please do get in touch if you want to know more about how we can support your child during their time at Elmsett School.
We welcomed a Captain and Sergeant from Wattisham Flying Station to our Remembrance Worship. Following our assembly we observed a 2 minute silence and then a wreath was laid.
All 21 schools in our Trust are participating in an Olympic Torch Relay. Elmsett were proud to receive the torch from St Marys C of E Primary, Hadleigh. The children were able to hold the torch and reflect on the Olympic values. Children from Badgers and Owls Class were able to have their own torch relay. We handed on the torch and flag to Hintlesham and Chattisham C of E Primary
To support our Space Topic, Starlight STEM visited our school and set up their Planetarium in the Village Hall. All the children were in awe as they gazed into the night sky and saw far into our solar system. They visited the planets, saw the sun and moon along with comets and the star constellations . The children learnt lots of cool facts from the Astrophysicist hosting the event and he tried to answer their wide variety of questions.
Our pupils came to school ready for bed with a good book to read with their parents before home time as part of our World Book Day . The children enjoyed activities such as Where's Wally and The Masked Reader!
Badger Class with Robins Class with their Story their World Book Day Hats and Mother's Day flowers Books
Robins Class received a visit from a local farmer with his tractor as part of the initiative ‘Tractors in Schools’ run by the Suffolk Agricultural Association. The children really enjoyed this opportunity to get up close to a tractor, they asked lots of questions and were able to climb up and sit inside the cab.
Each half term we holding Woodland cafés for each class to provide an enjoyable learning experience and to meet other families. Parents/grandparents are invited to join their children to look at various books, resources and learning games as well as enjoying refreshments together.
Years 5 and 6 began their Arch Bishops Young Leaders Award this week with the Cup Challenge. This award is aimed at developing young people as leaders.
The pupils did well and managed to arrange their cups in a pyramid without touching them or using their bodies.
Our Badgers Class enjoyed a day learning about mechanisms and how to make things work. The children designed and made their own pneumatic monsters!
2 pupils were presented with Headteacher's awards this week for excellent writing and for winning the Christmas card competition.
Well done to you both.
Our Owls Class enjoyed 3 Days on their Residential. They got to try lots of new and challenging activities. They had a lovely time and the photos show some of activities they completed from starting fires, building and sailing their own rafts as well as climbing the indoor wall.
MAT Christmas song recording at St. Matthews Church in Ipswich
We are so proud of our pupils, who joined with other DMAT pupils to record a song written specially by Chris Warren. The pupils really enjoyed their experience and were buzzing when they arrived back at school.
'Children of the World' can be found on Spotify and please watch the YouTube video in the link below.
We are thrilled that Elmsett children feature in the song and video, with some performing solos, singing and speaking.
PE Enrichment
At the end of each half term Elmsett pupils will be taking part in a range of PE enrichment activities. This term we did dodgeball.
At Elmsett we do more.
Church Day at St Peter's Church
The whole school had a fantastic day at St. Peter's Church in Elmsett making stained glass windows, doing brass rubbings, learning about the history of the church, ringing the bells and doing a clue hunt in the grave yard.
Army Day at Elmsett School
with 132 Aviation Supply Squadron from Wattisham Flying Station
The pupils had an amazing day with the army learning how to use camouflage effectively, doing an assault course and working out how to carry all the equipment. They did orienteering and used the army alphabet to work out clues.
Thank you so much to a fantastic group of soldiers who made the day so special.
Owls Class perform 'Rock Bottom'
Owls Class did 3 performances of 'Rock Bottom' this week, showing us how fantastic they all are. The singing and acting was amazing and we were all so impressed. Thank you Owls Class for being such stars.
Year 6 pupils met with the Porch Project to talk about well-being, how to chill out and the transfer to high school in September.
The Porch Project will also accept donations of deodorants, sanitary items and soaps etc. for less fortunate pupils. Please feel free to donate at school and we will pass these items on to them.
See for more information.
Year 5 practiced how to bandage wounds and put on a triangular bandage. They also learned how to treat someone who has fainted, just in case the heat gets too much for us all. The pupils now know how to apply plasters correctly too.
Children across the school helped to create a wonderful Narwhal from recycled items to display at the Suffolk Show and afterwards at Endeavour House in Ipswich. Suffolk Recycling wanted to highlight the importance of putting our waste in the right place so it doesn't end up in our seas.
Robins Class enjoyed a trip to Ipswich Transport museum to support their topic learning. They got to sit on old Suffolk Fire Engines, Ipswich Trolley Buses and a coach with a sunshine roof!