The Street, Elmsett, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6PA

01473 658303

Welcome to

Elmsett C of E Primary School.


Achievement at Elmsett

 Every second week in the Friday assembly,  certificates are awarded to the children who have been outstanding during the past 2 weeks in relation to our Christian Values and Leaning Powers. We also give a certificate for the Star of the Week from each class.

At any point during the year exceptional achievement in any academic, sporting or personal area will be recognised with a Headteacher's award.

During the Autumn Term our Christian Values and Learning Powers are as follows:

Spring Term 1 2025: 

1) Compassion & Making Links

2) Courage & Be Creative & Curious

3) Respect & Be Resilient

Spring Term 2 2025:

1) Thruthfulness & Learn from our Mistakes

2) Wisdom & 100% Effort

3) Service & Working Together 

The children's photographs are displayed in the hall to celebrate their achievements in these areas.

Aldham Cup

At the end of each term, 2 children in each year group (if appropriate) are nominated by the teaching staff for the Aldham Cup which is awarded for Co-operation and Effort, and can cover a wide area of achievements, not necessarily academic.  From the list of nominations, a winner is selected and presented with  a certificate and the Aldham Cup at the end of term Service. The children nominated are also presented with a certificate.


Sporting Achievements

At Elmsett we also recognise Sporting Achievements and at the end of the school year, at the Leavers' Service.

The following sports award are presented to those most deserving:

  • The ACE Cup - for a sporting team achievement
  • Junior Sports Shield
  • Senior Sports Shield
  • The Margaret Leek Trophy for Most Improved Swimmer


Artistic Creativity

An award is presented to the child who has demonstrated exceptional artistic creativity.


100% Attendance

At the end of each term, certificates are awarded to the children who have achieved 100% attendance during that term.  At the Leaver's Service in July, we have a special commendation for those children who have not missed a session of school for the whole year.

The Aldham Cup
The Aldham Cup

These pupils were awarded  certificates this week.

Well done all.