In the light of Jesus, we learn to shine
The St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Multi Academy Trust’s mission is to offer a life-enhancing encounter with the teachings and person of Jesus Christ, an experience that is utterly inclusive and brings love, hope, aspiration and fulfilment to every child.
The work of the Trust at every level will be underpinned by the Christian values of Respect, Kindness, Perseverance, Forgiveness and Love.
To ensure that every school within the Trust provides an outstanding education for every child, enhanced by its distinctively Christian ethos.
To ensure that every school in the Trust is able to progress to Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ and to remain outstanding.
To ensure that every school in the Trust achieves a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools) judgement of ‘Outstanding’
Our Members
The Members of the Multi Academy Trust are the conscience of the organisation. They appoint the board of directors and ensure that the aims of the trust are upheld. They include:
Our Board of Directors
We bring together a core group of people with a proven track record of school improvement and experience that is relevant to making the trust a success. They are responsible for its strategic direction and are accountable for the academies to the Secretary of State and therefore determine the level of delegation to local governing bodies so that these can be as effective as possible.
More information about St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Multi Academy Trust can be found here
Annual Reports and Accounts for the can be found here
Elmsett C of E Primary School joined The St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Multi Academy Trust on 1st September 2021.
Please find the link to the DMAT website HERE