The Street, Elmsett, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6PA

01473 658303

Welcome to

Elmsett C of E Primary School.

Special Educational Needs

 At Elmsett Primary School we believe in quality educational opportunities for all. We strive to ensure that every child meets their potential academically and socially, regardless of their needs and that every child feels a sense of belonging and inclusion as an integral part of our school.

This page will provide you with information about how we support children with special educational needs. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your child's needs, please contact our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) Mrs Bourne. She can be contacted via the school office on 01473 658303 or email on

Our SEND Information Report and Policy provide further information on how we support children with SEND. We have also included a link to Suffolk's Local Offer which provides information and resources surrounding supporting learners with SEND.

SEND Information Report

SEND policy September 2024 - 2025 

Elmsett Additional Support Provision Map 

Elmsett Adaptive Teaching Universal Strategies

Suffolk County Council Local Offer for Pupils with SEND 


 Pupils with complex needs

When considering pupils with complex needs, we would welcome a visit from the family to discuss our setting and how we may best be able to accommodate your child's needs to enable them to thrive.

There are four broad areas of Special Educational Needs which we identify in school as defined by the SEND Code of Practice (2015.) We acknowledge that children's needs may fall into more than one category.

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Physical and /or Sensory
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Communication and Interaction.

We provide both in class support and out of class intervention for pupils who require extra support with their emotional wellbeing or learning.

All staff provide Quality First Teaching and scaffold work and classroom environments to best suit the needs of their pupils.

At Elmsett Primary School we support our SEND pupils through:

  • Quality First Teaching.
  • Teacher adjustments within class.
  • Additional Resources and support from staff.
  • Tailored Interventions.
  • Support plans based on the 7C's.

The 7C's explained:

There are 7 areas of learning and development and within these areas there are sub-areas. We use these to support our SEND learners in order to identify primary needs and areas of development, next steps, strengths and achievements as well as checking progress. Every child and their family is an integral part of our SEND provision so we all work together to ensure every learner can make progress, feel happy and safe at school and is ready to learn.

We hold regular meetings with families to review progress and include pupil voice. If additional meetings are required these can be made.


Pupils with Disability

The school has facilities that increase and assist access to the school for pupils and visitors who are disabled. Ramps/disabled access are located at the front entrance to the school. Please see Elmsett Schools Accessibility Audit and Plan for further details.




The Nest

Our Special Educational Needs area where Mrs Bourne our SENDCo works and pupils come for interventions,  ELSA sessions and support. 

We have a Therapy Dog who comes to school every week. Sassy loves to visit and listens patiently while the children read to her.