The Street, Elmsett, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6PA

01473 658303

Welcome to

Elmsett C of E Primary School.

Church Services

We invite parents to join us for Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Leavers Services at St. Peter's Church during the year.  Dates are in the School Calendar.

We also work with Elmsett Methodist Church who deliver Assemblies regularly in school. The children enjoy Prayer Days with both churches and Christingle Services

At Christmas time each class made a collage of a Nativity scene which was displayed in the church. The children enjoyed designing for a purpose and seeing their work displayed in the church.  Please see below.

Robins: The 3 Kings

Kingfishers: The shepherds

Owls: The stable scene

Church services are held at st. Peter's Church, Elmsett
Church services are held at st. Peter's Church, Elmsett

Open the Book

We are pleased to welcome members of St Peter’s Church and Elmsett Methodist Church to act out bible stories during our Open the Book Assemblies. The children enjoyed the story of Jesus and his friends who became disciples. 

Church Day

The children experienced a wonderful day at St. Peter's Church where they undertook a range of activities to learn about the church and it's history.

  • Church history
  • Bell ringing 
  • Making a Bishop's mitre
  • Church yard treasure hunt
  • The Eucharist
  • Decorating stones
  • Making a stained glass window

Thank you to all the lovely church helpers who made the day such a lot of fun while we were learning.


Harvest Festival

The children enjoyed their Harvest Service at St Peter's Church and parents were welcome too.

Our families donated items for FIND Ipswich who help families in need.