In the light of Jesus, we learn to shine
At Elmsett School we are keen to access the views and opinions of parents and carers in order to constantly improve the way in which we work with stakeholders.
We access parents and carers views in many ways. These include:
Our governors are also easy to access via their contact details on our website and the headteacher is available on the playground at the start and end of each day.
Parents may also speak to our Administrator in the school office or email in to the office with any concerns or queries.
At Elmsett School we are always looking for ways to improve our contact with parents and carers and we are open to any new suggestions about how this can be improved.
Should parents have any specific concerns or worries, they can contact their class teacher via Class Dojo or ask the office to arrange a meeting with the teacher.
Our SENDCO can also be contacted directly. Please see details on our website.
Please CLICK HERE for our Communication Plan which sets out how we aim to communicate with all stakeholders.